Google Completes Rollout of March 2024 Core Update After Month-Long Turbulence

The Google March 2024 Core Update, which began rolling out on March 5th, has now officially completed a week ago. This major algorithm update aimed to reduce the amount of unhelpful, low-quality, and unoriginal content in Google’s search results by an estimated 40%.

According to the search results provided, the update has had a significant impact on many websites and their search engine rankings. Some key takeaways:

Google stated that this core update should reduce the amount of low-quality content in their search results by 40%. While the full impact is still being assessed, it’s clear that the March 2024 Core Update has had a major shakeup in the search landscape. Site owners will need to carefully evaluate their content and SEO strategies to ensure they are providing the highest quality user experience in order to maintain or regain their rankings.

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